Hope for your economic and legal problems.
Someone I interviewed is to turn himself into the FBI.
Are you next?
Money for Nothing and Nothing for Money
(and my comment/lessons)
A digital currency would likely first be tested among the most indigent in society, those with little or no income. It already is, actually, in the debit cards currently issued to illegal border-jumpers. Their card accounts are refilled monthly, making this the equivalent of a guaranteed basic income. Next, this privilege will be extended to the lower economic ranks of American citizens, and so on upward, until the whole middle-class and even the higher levels are enlisted, and then the authorities will have the ability to push everyone around.
“Society lives and acts only in individuals…. Everyone carries a part of society on his shoulders; no one is relieved of his share of responsibility by others. And no one can find a safe way out for himself if society is sweeping towards destruction.
Ludwig von Mises
Foreclosure Statistics
Homelessness hits record high in US
The disastrous numbers come a year after the Biden administration claimed to have “halt[ed a] rapid rise in homelessness.” While the homeless population somewhat leveled out from 2020 to 2022 thanks in part to the eviction moratoriums adopted during the coronavirus epidemic and accompanying economic crisis, most of those protections have since expired, dumping renters into what housing advocate Diane Yentel of the National Low Income Housing Coalition described as a “brutal housing market, with skyrocketing rents and high inflation.”
Hour 2
Is Compelled Decryption Heading to the Supreme Court?
At trial, the government wanted to put on testimony that Valdez refused to unlock the phone as evidence of his guilt. The defense objected, arguing that Valdez had asserted his Fifth Amendment privilege. The trial court overruled the objection, allowing the testimony. During the closing argument, the prosecution emphasized that the text messages between the defendant and his ex-girlfriend stored on his phone would answer whether this was a real kidnapping (as the prosecution claimed) or consensual (as the defense asserted). And in that context, the prosecution argued, the refusal to unlock the phone was incriminating. The jury convicted the defendant.
Man jailed indefinitely for refusing to decrypt hard drives loses appeal
Indefinite prison for suspect who won’t decrypt hard drives, feds say
The contempt-of-court order against Rawls was obtained by authorities citing the 1789 All Writs Act. The All Writs Act was the same law the Justice Department asserted in its legal battle with Apple, in which a magistrate judge ordered Apple to produce code to enable the FBI to decrypt the iPhone used by one of two shooters who killed 14 people at a San Bernardino County government building. The government dropped the case when authorities paid a reported $1 million for a hack.
“Unless the suspect unlocks the drives or a court unwinds the order, he will remain jailed,” Marc Rumold, an Electronic Frontier Foundation staff attorney who filed a friend-of-the-court brief in the case, said in a telephone interview.
In that brief, the EFF said “compelled decryption is inherently testimonial because it compels a suspect to use the contents of their mind to translate unintelligible evidence into a form that can be used against them. The Fifth Amendment provides an absolute privilege against such self-incriminating compelled decryption.”
The authorities, however, said no testimony was needed from Rawls. Rather, they said, (PDF) “he can keep his passwords to himself” and “produce his computer and hard drives in an unencrypted state.”
Man who refused to decrypt hard drives is free after four years in jail
Court holds that jail time to force decryption can’t last more than 18 months.
A Philadelphia man has been freed after a federal appeals court ruled that his continued detention was violating federal law. Francis Rawls, a former police officer, had been in jail since 2015, when a federal judge held him in contempt for failing to decrypt two hard drives taken from his home. The government believes they contain child pornography.
Appeal by permission and appeal by right
An Order from an Interlocutory Appeal below. Appeal by permission.
4 USA v. Underwood, No. 23-1303 (7th Cir. 2023)
Secondly, the court found that the criminal contempt finding was appropriate because the defendant had improperly refused to testify on cross-examination in the judge’s presence, which met the literal requirements of Rule 42(b) that permits summary disposition of criminal contempt. Furthermore, the court held that by choosing to testify, the defendant had waived his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination, and could not refuse to answer questions relevant to his testimony.
Miller v. Pacific Gas & Electric Co.
Miller also argued that the city’s repair notices to PG&E and Hip Sen for their violations of the city’s Guidelines rendered them liable under a theory of negligence per se. However, the appellate court found this argument to be forfeited as Miller did not raise this issue in the trial court and only presented it for the first time in her appellate reply brief.
Steve Baker (who we interviewed) is to turn himself in to the FBI
Prior interview is at:
Steve’s main site before he moved to Locals so he could charge his followers/
Busting The Feds, by Oscar Stilley
The DOJ misapplies ‘Enron investigation and hearing statute‘ to wrongly charge the January 6-ers.
18 U.S. Code § 1512 – Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant
(c) Whoever corruptly—
(1) alters, destroys, mutilates, or conceals a record, document, or other object, or attempts to do so, with the intent to impair the object’s integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding; or
(2) otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so,shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/1512
time to have the Revolution Radio talk with myself.
Bill, are you wasting your time?
Let’s get serious and talk about Revolution Radio. I’ve done 116 programs, over two years, and I need to share something. Earlier, I mentioned 1.5 million people are facing foreclosure or bankruptcy in the US due to the economic situation. Last week, I did an important program about our economy that you should listen to.
What you think is yours, is not! . . . such as the holdings in your brokerage account.
There is a big difference between your beneficial ownership, and their legal ownership.
Here’s the issue: In over two years of work, not one person has reached out saying they heard me on Revolution Radio and needed help. People contact me through word of mouth, but never directly from the station. It makes me wonder.
I spend two to three days preparing each program to educate listeners on the law. We have a chat room, only once has someone asked for clarification in the chatroom. I dedicated a whole program to his question, but he didn’t listen to the program.
It’s disheartening because people need help with the courts, the economy, and the system in general. My passion is for the underdog, and I feel bad for those struggling.
The underdog—that’s you. People reach out to me and most of the time, they end up in a better position. My solutions are larger than your problems. © They’re educational solutions.
I do this program at great risk to myself. I could be misinterpreted or misrepresented as practicing law without a license. In some states, the practice of law is defined as doing what an attorney does. So, I could be accused of practicing law just by reading the law journal in the bathroom. Other states have different standards like offering specialized knowledge not available to the general public. That is a very broad-brush/net.
I instruct, I do not practice law. But I could be misinterpreted and find myself in trouble. That’s not good for me. I prefer to stay as an underground law school, but I don’t know if that’s possible on this public forum.
What does this have to do with the station? I believe in excellence and consistency. I support the station with my money and increased my giving when I learned about economic problems inside the station. Sadly, there’s no transparency about how that money is spent, and some people want more transparency.
The Revolution Radio is a team effort, ranging from management, listeners, and content producers. We all need to be on the same page with a consistent message that elevates a worldwide message.
Join my list. Soon, much of my content will be behind a membership wall—not paid, but not public. If I go away, you won’t know what happened. So, get on that list and stay updated of my educational efforts.
If you don’t join, it’s your loss. I’m sincere.
Warriors make war and soldiers keep peace. I know no limits when defending my cause or charges. In our civil society, I am the ‘Shield that stabs’. – Bill Johnson ©
Opportunity, by Edward R. Sill 1887
This I beheld or dreamed in a dream.
There spread a cloud of dust along a plain, and underneath or in it raged a furious battle, and men yelled, swords shocked against swords.
A prince’s banner wavered and then staggered backward hemmed in by the foe.
A coward hung along the battle’s edge.
He thought, “had I a sword of keener steel, that blue blade that the King’s son barred for example – but this blunt thing.”
And he snapped and flung his sword from his hand.
And lowering he crept away and left the field.
But then came the King’s son, wounded sore, besought and weaponless, and he saw the broken sword.
The hilt buried in the dry and sodden sand.
And he ran and snatched it, and with a battle shout, lifted afresh, he hued his enemies down.
And he saved a great cause that heroic day.
Jeremiah Johnson – Mutt_retro
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