Show Notes – Revolution Radio 2023-12-22 #116

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Hope for your economic and legal problems.
Someone I interviewed is to turn himself into the FBI.

Hour 1
Hour 2

Money for Nothing and Nothing for Money
(and my comment/lessons)
Ludwig von Mises


Foreclosure Statistics


Homelessness hits record high in US

Hour 2

Is Compelled Decryption Heading to the Supreme Court?

Man jailed indefinitely for refusing to decrypt hard drives loses appeal

Indefinite prison for suspect who won’t decrypt hard drives, feds say

Man who refused to decrypt hard drives is free after four years in jail

Court holds that jail time to force decryption can’t last more than 18 months.

Appeal by permission and appeal by right

An Order from an Interlocutory Appeal below. Appeal by permission.


4 USA v. Underwood, No. 23-1303 (7th Cir. 2023)


Miller v. Pacific Gas & Electric Co.


Steve Baker (who we interviewed) is to turn himself in to the FBI

Prior interview is at:

Steve’s main site before he moved to Locals so he could charge his followers/

Busting The Feds, by Oscar Stilley


The DOJ misapplies ‘Enron investigation and hearing statute‘ to wrongly charge the January 6-ers.

18 U.S. Code § 1512 – Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant


time to have the Revolution Radio talk with myself.

Let’s get serious and talk about Revolution Radio. I’ve done 116 programs, over two years, and I need to share something. Earlier, I mentioned 1.5 million people are facing foreclosure or bankruptcy in the US due to the economic situation. Last week, I did an important program about our economy that you should listen to.

What you think is yours, is not! . . . such as the holdings in your brokerage account.
There is a big difference between your beneficial ownership, and their legal ownership.

Here’s the issue: In over two years of work, not one person has reached out saying they heard me on Revolution Radio and needed help. People contact me through word of mouth, but never directly from the station. It makes me wonder.

I spend two to three days preparing each program to educate listeners on the law. We have a chat room, only once has someone asked for clarification in the chatroom. I dedicated a whole program to his question, but he didn’t listen to the program.

It’s disheartening because people need help with the courts, the economy, and the system in general. My passion is for the underdog, and I feel bad for those struggling.

The underdog—that’s you. People reach out to me and most of the time, they end up in a better position. My solutions are larger than your problems. © They’re educational solutions.

I do this program at great risk to myself. I could be misinterpreted or misrepresented as practicing law without a license. In some states, the practice of law is defined as doing what an attorney does. So, I could be accused of practicing law just by reading the law journal in the bathroom. Other states have different standards like offering specialized knowledge not available to the general public. That is a very broad-brush/net.

I instruct, I do not practice law. But I could be misinterpreted and find myself in trouble. That’s not good for me. I prefer to stay as an underground law school, but I don’t know if that’s possible on this public forum.

What does this have to do with the station? I believe in excellence and consistency. I support the station with my money and increased my giving when I learned about economic problems inside the station. Sadly, there’s no transparency about how that money is spent, and some people want more transparency.

The Revolution Radio is a team effort, ranging from management, listeners, and content producers. We all need to be on the same page with a consistent message that elevates a worldwide message.

Join my list. Soon, much of my content will be behind a membership wall—not paid, but not public. If I go away, you won’t know what happened. So, get on that list and stay updated of my educational efforts.

If you don’t join, it’s your loss. I’m sincere.

Warriors make war and soldiers keep peace. I know no limits when defending my cause or charges.  In our civil society, I am the ‘Shield that stabs’.  – Bill Johnson ©

This I beheld or dreamed in a dream.

A prince’s banner wavered and then staggered backward hemmed in by the foe.

A coward hung along the battle’s edge.

He thought, “had I a sword of keener steel, that blue blade that the King’s son barred for example – but this blunt thing.”

And he snapped and flung his sword from his hand.

And lowering he crept away and left the field.

But then came the King’s son, wounded sore, besought and weaponless, and he saw the broken sword.

The hilt buried in the dry and sodden sand.

And he ran and snatched it, and with a battle shout, lifted afresh, he hued his enemies down.

And he saved a great cause that heroic day.


Jeremiah JohnsonMutt_retro

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